About HumbleCars.Info

Humblecars.info came into being when a group of us were talking about how crazy expensive new cars have become. We, as a group, range from teenagers, to seniors old enough to be great grandparents. We all have used car tales.

If you need to own a car, and you can't afford to buy (sticker shock !!ZAP!!), lease (high cost rental property), or finance (crazy hIgh interest rates), you probably have considered buying a used car. For many people buying a used cars is the only practical car buying option.

Car buying across the board  has changed dramatically with the advent of the internet and the demise of print advertising. In the past, people shopped for used cars at dealerships, via local newspapers, from friends, neighbors, acquaintances, from "For Sale by Owner" signs on lawns, and in the windows of cars on the street. With the convenience of online shopping has come a whole new set of buying options, and a whole new set of risks, fraud, and scams.

Humblecars.info is intended to help used car buyers understand; the shopping options, the costs, the risks, and the legal aspects of buying used car. We have tried to find, collate, and post information from our own experiences, from the internet, from car dealerships, online marketplaces, insurers, law firms, government sites, internet influencers, YouTube videos, and other sources to help people through the process.

We welcome contributions from the public to improve the information on Humblecars.info. 

We also invite everyone, who has a car story to tell, to contribute car tales from their personal experiences about first cars, best cars, worst cars, dream cars. any and all car tales.

Our contact information is on our Contact Page: